When Emotions Take Over

When Emotions Take Over

When emotions take over. One aspect of reaching your goals within the realms of weight loss, health and fitness has to do with changing your eating habits.  I’ve said it a million times and I’m guessing I’ll say it a million times again, but cleaning up your food, and...
Healthy Vacation?

Healthy Vacation?

It’s been a blast hanging out with my family grabbing some much needed connection, sunshine, and sleep…. All of which fed my body and soul more than any food could ever do. So on this 30-day quest to clean up the diet and put more energy into your health, remember...

Your summer survival plan… Audra Style : )

In May out at Be Fit Boot Camps, I had a great idea to run an attendance contest.  “I’ll hook and bait my campers to get out there more often by throwing in some Cool Prizes,” I thought.  (Anyone else like massages?) We had Amy Hawkins, Joe Brown, and Kim Martin...


  I have been glorifying coconut juice for over two years now and forcing every client I see, whether it’s in between sets or during a nutrition consult, to listen to the story of the coconut. Have you ever been really thirsty during or after a workout only to...