My heart was racing. I was so nervous to take the plunge… to say yes.
What if it didn’t work?
Before I get back to this crucial (and scary!) moment in my life… there’s an important backstory you should know.
Up to this heart-racing point, no matter what I tried, I was unable to end my destructive habits.
I spent years NOT moving my life forward because I was consumed with food (the healthy and unhealthy) sugar (because I was addicted), and the daily rules I attempted to enforced to control my body so I could start liking it. (Because the way I saw it, there wasn’t much to like.)
Unable to get out of my own way, trapped in my own hell of judgement, shame, and negative emotions, the craziness affected every close relationship I had, which in turn made me feel more trapped.
As I sat in my own “inner hell”, I also believed I had all the answers.
“I DON’T need help. I KNOW the way out. I KNOW how to eat healthy. I KNOW that if I exercise I’ll feel better and it will all work out.
I also was unwilling to invest in help to get me out of this hell…. because I believed I could do it myself.
However, if insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results, my life was truly insane.
Finally, sick of the insanity, I realized that my unwillingness to invest in help was really my own unwillingness to invest in myself… which stemmed from my lack of self worth and my low self esteem, all of which trashed my self confidence. (Wow…that’s hard to write.)
Instead of just thinking and wishing for my life to change (and thinking I didn’t need anyone else’s help) it was time to get real with myself.
This was the moment when I realized I don’t have all the answers, and there are others way further along the path I wanted to be on who could help me get there a whole lot faster.
“The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.”
Where were you a year ago? Are you still trying to solve the same problem?
If you’re truly struggling with your weight, your relationship with food, or your relationship with your body, then working 1-on-1 with me through private coaching can and will change your life.
I help women who’ve spent a lifetime trying to diet and exercise their way into feeling good about themselves finally experience massive breakthroughs, feel peace and neutrality around food, and actually come into a deep, connected loving relationship with their own body’s.
If you’re finally ready, all you have to do is book a Breakthrough Discovery session with me here.
Here we can begin the conversation to see if I can help. I’ll ask you a few questions and we’ll plan a time to do a Complimentary Breakthrough Discovery Session.
This is a FREE session for serious and committed women who are finished playing small and see the value in getting the support you need to get to the other side.
Because of the level of support I offer to my private coaching clients, I can only work with small number at a time. Nine to be exact… so now’s the time to reach out if you feel called as my calendar ‘s filling up fast these days.
Committed to your growth and evolution,
PS. Yes working with a exceptional coach who actually knows their sh*z is an investment. But isn’t it time to see your true worth and invest in yourself? Isn’t it time to realize having help along the way IS the way? Reach out and we’ll book a time for a Free Breakthrough Discovery Call.
PSS. That heart racing nervous plunge I was talking about at the beginning? That was the first time I ever hired my first life coach. And since that moment, I have invested 100-fold in qualified coaches because the ROI is this: My one-and-only precious life I have to live… I get one shot, and I want to live it as deeply and passionately and purposefully as I can. I was sick of just surviving… I wanted to thrive… If you’re ready to thrive, lets talk.