Exactly a week ago I did a Facebook Live after having two glasses of wine.

I rarely drink, so two glasses is a lot for me. 😉

When I got home, I was super hungry and excited to share with my Facebook world one of my favorite emotional eating meals:  

Chipotle Roasted Butternut Squash Quesadillas.

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Look…no matter which way you look at it…

Love it or hate it…

The holidays are EMOTIONAL.

Which is why this time of the year truly is when you can experience profound transformation.

With the right guidance and support…this truly could be the year you have your holiday cake and eat it too!

What if this is the year you move through this season filled with love, gratitude, and a deeper connection to your body……and you wake up on New Years Day feeling lighter, happier, and proud of yourself?

What if you spent these next few months learning a different way to be in relationship with food? One that throws dieting out, but brings in deeper connection to your body’s wisdom?

How different would your life be when you turn your relationship to food into a blessing that feels peaceful (instead of emotional and obsessive?)

Join me live for my latest and greatest Masterclass:

Have Your Holiday Cake and Eat it too!

Learn How to Fully Enjoy This Time of the Year AND ALSO Wake up on New Years Day Lighter and Super Proud of Yourself for Not Blowing It.

Here’s what we’re covering:

  • How to stop numbing out
  • How to eat like a naturally thin person
  • How to rewire your brain so you easily put the fork down when you’ve had enough
  • How to use this time of the year to heal emotional eating (instead of letting emotional eating run your life)
  • How to eradicate cravings
  • Overcome destructive behaviors like stress eating, drinking too much, emotional eating, and binge eating that are so prevalent during the holiday season
  • How you can use this special time of the year to learn HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT WITHOUT DIETING (or at least keep your weight the same over the holidays!)

If you’re ready for this holiday season to be your best yet… I hope to see you live!



PS.  Don’t forget that amazing recipe!!! Â